When a loved one passes away

At Home

Ring your normal G.P Surgery in order for confirmation of the death to take place.

Then when the death has been confirmed contact us to come and convey your loved one back to our premises, when you are ready for us to do so.

In a Nursing Home/Care Home

The Nursing Home will call you, if you are not already present, and then the deceased’s registered G.P Surgery so a Doctor can come out and confirm the death. Following this, you will need to advise them, when you are ready for us to take care of your loved one.

In Hospital

Following a death in a Hospital/Hospice they will contact you if you are not already present. The Patients Affairs office Or Bereavement Office will then organise all the necessary paperwork which you can go and collect usually within two working days along with any personal belongings.

When the necessary paperwork has been completed, it will be the funeral director’s primary responsibility to convey your loved one into our care. Then to liaise with you concerning the funeral arrangements.

When someone dies suddenly.

All sudden or unexpected deaths must be reported to the Coroner. The police are usually involved to ensure that there are no suspicious circumstances.

The Coroner will then decide whether a post-mortem and, or inquest needs to be carried out. If a death occurs anywhere other than in a hospital, the Police will ask their own staff to attend to take the deceased to the local hospital or public mortuary.

Once this has been done, the choice of funeral service provider is for the family to decide.

Please contact us for more information about our Pre Payment Funeral Plans in Dorset.